
Ripped to shreds!

Pursuit of virtue lies wasted,

A dream as good as dead


She who I desire to be is not the one I see through tear filled eyes reviewing my history

The war of worlds inside me so real

I lay exhausted, counting new battle scars before old ones heal

Sick to my stomach from chewing on my own vomit

Within stirs a broken and a contrite spirit


A promise not to forsake

A vow to restore

The power to break chains

A veil ripped to the floor


That faithful Friday when you hung on that tree,

You had looked through time and chose to have mercy on me

Wretched as I am



Still you offered your life

Waived your rights as His son


Now today

To the ruins of my own making

Your blood flows

My sins erasing


Amazed at this love! 

How can it be? I stand here washed! 

Your spirit fanning  embers

Resurrecting beauty from this ash


God who is near to the brokenhearted

Thank you for being faithful to finish what you started!