Show me where you laid him;


The one that heaped out equal measures of terror and excitement

Feeding your desire for purpose and meaning

But leaving you hungry for the courage to pursue it

So it lays there

Wrapped in the web of your self-imposed limitations

Cocooned by your fears

Laid to rest


Show me where you laid him;


The one you thought you had to abort

Because your failures disqualified you to perform

So you buried it alongside hope, rendering it dead

Denying it the right to be born


Show me where you laid him;


The one that despite your best efforts

Never came to life but lays stillborn

Because in your own strength, you’re too feeble and have grown worn

So it’s been shoved aside

Left to rot

But now here it comes, a twist in the plot!


A voice calling

“Come forth!”

The stone rolls away

An angel declares

Today is your Resurrection Day!


Dry bones will live!

Ruins will be restored

Go now! Chase after dreams forsaken

Hope will breathe once more!